
How to identify present and future storage problems in our warehouse?

How to identify present and future storage problems in our warehouse?-News

How to identify present and future storage problems in our warehouse?

The storage world is constantly evolving. There are some symptoms that warn us that we could face (now or in the future) changes that wouldn’t allow us to make the most of our warehouse. The following situations must be controlled:

- High occupancy. If our warehouse always shows an occupation greater than 80% we could face future overflows or problems with the stock.

- Management failures. Due to excess stock or references, the merchandise could generate problems, both in the storage process and in the execution and management of orders.

It is essential to identify the origin of the problem in order to solve it as soon as possible. The most common problems are the following: the need of more space, a bad (or outdated) warehouse design or an excess of stock, which exceeds the needs of the warehouse.

Once we have identified the problem, we must apply the right solution, which will allow us to get the best possible result back in our warehouse.

- Redistribution of racks and spaces in the warehouse. There are situations in which, we have the right tools at hand, but we are not using them in the right manner. It is essential, when a warehouse does not offer the expected results, to carry out a productivity study. Reordering our resources and using them in the right order is fundamental to achieve results.

- Use systems that allow you to bring greater productivity to your space.

If the results offered by your warehouse are correct, but you still need extra productivity, there are some possible improvements that should be taken into consideration first:

- You can choose to increase the number of shelves in the store (in number or in height).

- If you do not have enough surface, you can also choose to add mezzanines to maximize space.

- It can incorporate new systems that allow it to get better results by being adapted to its goods, such as incorporating a shuttle system that moves the palletized goods for a greater mobility of the stock.